
Best practices for hotel elevators after COVID-19

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Best practices for hotel elevators after COVID-19Due to the increasing awareness of ways to prevent exposure to COVID-19, hotels must find ways to keep their elevators safe for the guests during their stay.

The continuous flow of people inside and outside elevators results in several surfaces being touched, various germs being spread, and the constant exchange of microorganisms. This is considered crucial in high-traffic areas such as hospitals, hotels, and airports where the germs are too high or came from other sources.

Best practices in elevator safety and cleanliness

According to John Gill, the Account Manager of Premier Elevator, there are several practices for hotels to observe and implement to ensure that elevators are safe for guests.

  • Cleaning all car buttons thoroughly using disinfectant wipes.
  • Cleaning all hall buttons using disinfectant wipes.
  • Thoroughly sanitizing all handrails in elevator cabs using disinfectant wipes as much as possible.
  • Install portable hand sanitizing stations on every floor next to the elevators.
  • Install social distancing floor signs in every elevator cab.

By observing these best practices recommended by Premier Elevator in maintaining the cleanliness of elevators, it will ensure the safety of all guests. If you want to learn more about the services by Premier Elevator, click here.

Additional tips in keeping elevators clean

The majority of commercial elevators are built with stainless steel construction, an exceptionally durable metal that requires minimal maintenance. Nevertheless, every hotel should be familiar on how to effectively clean or sanitize elevators to ensure safe operation and a hygienic environment for their guests. Since many people could use an elevator, routine thorough cleaning can help slow down the spread of bacteria and viruses.

It is vital to be familiar with the various sections of the elevator so that they can be cleaned correctly. Let us take a look at other useful tips in keeping elevators clean and safe for the guests.

  • Sills and tracks. The tracks amidst the sets of elevator doors at each landing are suitable areas for dust, spills, and debris to build up. Small-sized particles such as dirt or even miniature rocks can collect in the door treads.
  • A vacuum cleaner should be used to get rid of large particles and dust. Follow-up with a non-abrasive cleaner. Make sure that you will reach in between the cracks in the door treads.
  • Elevator pit. When it comes to pit cleaning, it should be carried out by a certified elevator technician. Take note that dust, trash, and debris can fall through the cracks amidst the elevator doors and build up in the pit beneath the elevator cab. In the long run, this can disrupt the movable parts of the elevator. Regular pit cleaning can also prevent pest infestation.
  • Doors and walls. The majority of elevators have stainless steel walls and doors. Specialized stainless steel cleaning agents can be used to get rid of water spots. As for the interior walls, non-corrosive cleaners can be used.
  • Floors and mirrors. Depending on the type of floor in the elevator, carpeted floors must be brushed and vacuumed while tiled or steel floors must be polished.
  • Light fixtures and panel buttons. The light fixtures and buttons on the control panel should not be missed. An antibacterial cleaning agent is a preferred choice but take care not to spray directly on the buttons since it might seep within the control panel and damage the internal components. Microfiber cloth should be used to clean the buttons and panels since it can remove trapped dirt, dust, and other debris around the buttons.

Final thoughts

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect almost all countries all over the globe, hotels should do their part in keeping their guests safe during their stay. When it comes to elevator safety and cleanliness in hotels, the best practices by Premier Elevator can greatly help in lowering the risk of the spread of bacteria and viruses in hotels.

Premier Elevator

Address: 9187 Boggy Creek Road Suite 3
Orlando, Florida 32824
Telephone: 321-316-8558