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6 Cybersecurity Threats Creators Need to Watch Out for in 2024

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There’s no denying the rapid evolvement in our digital world. By remaining vigilant and equipping yourself with cyber safety knowledge, you will stay ahead of these cybersecurity threats.

In this article, we’ve combined six cybersecurity threats that are currently trending. Read on to learn how to enhance your security game in the upcoming year.

Cybersecurity Threats

Ransomware Resurgence

For those unfamiliar with ransomware, this malicious software encrypts your files and demands payment for decryption–a major pervasive threat for creators.

As of 2023, over 72 percent of businesses worldwide have fallen victim to ransomware attacks. It’s not surprising to learn that cybersecurity experts anticipate an upsurge in these attacks in the new year, either.

Creators depend on their digital assets. The immense value of your content makes you the ideal target for these attacks. For the most successful defenses against these cyber threats:

  • Ensure your operating system and software are up-to-date.
  • Utilize a travel VPN to hide your activities from everyone, including your ISP.
  • Employ robust antivirus software to prevent and detect potential ransomware.
  • Back up your work to a secure offline storage device.

AI-Powered Social Interactions

If you haven’t already experienced it, it’s only a matter of time. The advancements in artificial intelligence have given cybercriminals the ability to orchestrate more sophisticated social engineering attacks.

AI can mimic human interaction and deceive innocent individuals into divulging their sensitive information or trick users into clicking on malicious links.

Stay alert and recognize suspicious activity, such as:

  • Unexpected or unusual requests, even if seemingly from known contacts.
  • Requests for personal or financial information through alternate means of communication.
  • Links redirecting users to a new site to enter sensitive data.

IoT Vulnerabilities

The Internet of Things, or IoT, continues to integrate into creators’ workflows. While these devices offer convenience, they can introduce harmful security vulnerabilities.

Hackers target IoT devices and sneakily use them as entry points to access networks and expose sensitive data.

Strengthen your IoT security by:

  • Changing default passwords.
  • Updating firmware regularly.
  • Segmenting your network to isolate IoT devices from critical systems.

Significantly reduce your risk of exploitation by implementing these measures in your work routine.

Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks are strategically designed to target vulnerabilities in third-party services or software. Not only does this pose an incredible threat to creators, but there are now over 88,000 known instances of such.

Documented supply chain attacks involving malicious third-party components have increased by 633% over the past year. Alarming, right?

Unfortunately, these attackers are as creative as we are. They exploit security weaknesses in tools integral to the workflow, ultimately compromising our systems.

Stay vigilant by:

  • Vetting the security practices of the services and tools you use.
  • Monitoring your system for updates, security patches, and advisories.
  • Investigating any changes made by these third-party providers.

Quantum Computing Risks

Quantum computing may promise immense computational power, but that doesn’t come completely risk-free. Quantum computers bring forth another potential cybersecurity threat–eliminating the effectiveness of current encryption methods.

Creators who rely on encryption alone to secure their data should understand that quantum computers render existing encryption obsolete. This is a massive vulnerability, but post-quantum encryption methods are here to help. These cryptographic protocols, designed to withstand the computational prowess of quantum computers, will future-proof your data and defend you from these risks.

Insider Threats

In addition to external threats, creators must also be vigilant about insider threats originating from within their own organizations. Insider threats can be equally damaging, if not more so, as they involve individuals with access to sensitive data and systems.

Examples of insider threats include disgruntled employees, contractors, or partners who may intentionally or inadvertently compromise security. These individuals can leak confidential information, introduce malware, or engage in unauthorized activities.

To mitigate insider threats:

  • Implement strict access controls and limit permissions based on job roles.
  • Monitor and audit user activities, particularly those with privileged access.
  • Educate employees about cybersecurity best practices and the importance of data security.


There’s no denying the rapid evolvement in our digital world. By remaining vigilant and equipping yourself with cyber safety knowledge, you will stay ahead of these cybersecurity threats.

Implement robust security practices, stay informed about potential risks, and navigate the digital world with confidence. Don’t just protect yourself; protect your creations.